Analytical Lyo Instruments

Developing lyophilized formulations and products requires a comprehensive understanding of how products respond to different conditions. Recognizing this, Biopharma Technology LLC’s analytical lyo instruments support pre-lyophilization analysis and post-lyophilization analysis, through which we can precisely determine the constitution and behavior of your formulations.

During the pre-lyophilization analysis phase, our Lyostat freeze-drying microscope (FDM) and Lyotherm analyzer enable us to accurately identify the thermal characteristics and frozen state mobility of your products. We then utilize our MicroPress technology as part of the post-lyophilization analysis stage to examine the visible structure of all products developed. By using these advanced instruments – and drawing on our in-depth expertise – our team ensures that your products are stable, reproducible, and scalable.  


More Information

Lyostat 5 - Lyophilization/Freeze Drying Microscope (FDM)

MicroPress - Mechanical Property Analyzer

Lyotherm 3 - Frozen State Analyzer